1. He Will Not Give You Attention Anymore

Attention in a relationship is like sun to a flower; it shows the bond is still blooming. If your man no longer showers you with attention, let’s be real, it’s a red flag waving wildly.

2. He Won’t Return Your Calls

Ah, communication—the cornerstone of any thriving relationship. If he’s ignoring your calls or texts like spam emails, it’s a neon sign he’s checked out. Ignoring missed calls? Houston, we have a problem.

3. Lack of Appreciation

Your man should appreciate you like a rare vintage car. If his appreciation suddenly evaporates, it’s like driving on an empty tank—you’re not going anywhere, and something might be seriously wrong.

4. He Won’t Spend Time with You Anymore

If his time spent with you dwindles to zilch, and he’s dodging any activities that bring you two together like they’re the plague, it’s a glaring ‘I’m-not-into-you’ signal. No time together equals no bueno.

5. No Physical Intimacy

S3xual intimacy is the litmus test of romantic interest. If there’s no kissing, petting, or love-making, it’s as if you’ve been placed in a platonic friend zone. He avoids any closeness? Might be seeing someone else. Ouch.

6. Less Value

When he starts treating you like an old piece of furniture, ignoring how his actions impact you, it’s clear you’ve slid down his list of priorities. Ouch again.

7. Always Picking Up a Fight

If he’s constantly picking fights over nothing, like he’s auditioning for a soap opera, it’s a cry for help—or rather, a cry for an exit. Consistent nagging, arguing, and shouting? Yep, he’s mentally checked out.

8. Too Many Excuses

When he morphs into a human excuse generator, especially when you crave his attention, it’s the reddest of red flags. ‘Busy,’ ‘working late,’ or ‘traveling’? We see through those stories—time to have a serious talk.