I recently asked my friend, “What’s the secret behind your happy married life?”

He smiled and said, “It’s all about sharing responsibilities with love and respecting each other. When both partners do that, problems don’t stand a chance.”

Curious, I asked, “Can you explain?”

He continued, “In our home, I handle the bigger issues while my wife takes care of the smaller ones. We respect each other’s decisions and know our boundaries.”

Still seeking clarity, I asked for an example.

“Can you give me some examples?” I inquired.

He chuckled and said, “Sure! For instance, I make decisions on major global topics like whether America should attack Iran, if Britain should lift sanctions on Zimbabwe, or whether Ronaldo should retire from football. And you know what? My wife never objects to any of these decisions…”

We both shared a good laugh. It’s clear that the secret to their happy marriage is much lighter and more humorous than I had imagined.