A Man Will Can’t Stop Missing You When You Do These Things Often

1. Stop Replying Often

Sometimes, stepping back from replying to every text or call can make a big difference. When he notices the lack of communication, he will start to appreciate your presence more. If he makes an effort to reach out to you, it means he genuinely misses you. If not, then he might not be the right person for you.

2. Do Not Go Around Him

Men cherish their personal space. Being around him all the time might make him feel suffocated and lead to avoidance. Try giving him some space. Whenever plans with him or his friends come up, make a habit of canceling them now and then with believable excuses. After a while, he will start to miss having you around if his feelings are true.

3. Show Him Your “The Best”

There’s nothing like showing your best self to make him miss you. When you notice the spark fading, put in some effort to dress up and present yourself in a way that captivates his attention. This can rekindle the romance and remind him of why he was attracted to you in the first place.

4. Start Making Some New Friends

If you’re always with his friends, he doesn’t get the chance to miss you. Go out and make some new friends outside of his circle so that he can’t easily find out what you’ve been up to. This distance can trigger feelings of possessiveness and make him miss you more.

5. Post Hot Pictures

Men often respond strongly to visual stimuli. When you feel neglected, try posting some attractive photos on social media. Highlight your best features in these pictures and ensure he sees them. This sight will likely make him feel jealous and realize what he’s missing.

6. Exclude Him From Some Plans

Being too available can sometimes make your presence taken for granted. Occasionally exclude him from your plans. Whether it’s a night out with friends or a small event, make him see what he’s missing out on. The temporary neglect will likely make him crave your company more.

7. Say “Talk To You Later”

A simple “Talk to you later” can work wonders. When he tries to contact you, politely let him know you’re busy. These four words can leave him thinking about you and wondering what you’re doing. It’s a gentle way to keep the mystery alive and make him miss you.