Falling in love is a wonderful feeling, but maintaining a relationship takes effort. Whether your relationship is new or has stood the test of time, insecurities about its longevity can arise. Many people worry if their connection is meant to last. Thankfully, there are certain signs that indicate your partner truly wants to be with you forever. If you’re curious about the future of your relationship, look for these positive indicators.

1. They put you first.

When your partner consistently prioritizes you, it’s a strong sign of their commitment. They consider your feelings and wishes, often choosing to spend time with you over other activities. A partner who is in it for the long haul will make sacrifices to ensure your happiness.

2. They understand you.

Your partner makes the effort to understand your desires, thoughts, and emotions. Even if it’s challenging, they don’t give up. This dedication to truly knowing you indicates their intention to stay by your side.

3. Being with them is easy.

Your relationship is free from unnecessary games and drama. You both enjoy spending time together, sharing laughs and engaging in activities you both love. The ease of being together is a testament to your strong bond.

4. They think the same way you do.

Even when you have different opinions, your values, morals, and beliefs align. You complement each other and aren’t afraid to share differing viewpoints because you know your partner will understand and respect them.

5. You trust them with all your heart.

Trust is the foundation of your relationship. You feel secure in the knowledge that your partner has chosen you, and you don’t question their loyalty. This mutual trust allows you both to be open and honest.

6. They make you feel comfortable.

After a rough day, you look forward to returning home to your partner, who always knows how to make you feel relaxed and at ease. Their presence alone can lift your spirits and provide comfort.

7. They make you better.

Your partner inspires you to improve and grow as an individual. Together, you become stronger, kinder, and more attentive to those around you. Instead of judging each other for mistakes, you offer support and encouragement, helping each other become better people.