Let me share a story from a man who turned to Reddit’s “AITA” forum for advice. He was in a tough spot and wondered if his actions were wrong when he decided to ask his sister and her twin daughters to leave his home.

Here’s the background: This man and his wife were already facing challenges. His wife was battling cancer and undergoing chemotherapy, which left her feeling vulnerable. Despite their struggles, they welcomed his sister and her two 16-year-old daughters into their home after she divorced her husband.

Chemotherapy had taken a toll on his wife, causing her to lose her hair. To regain some confidence, she chose to wear a wig. Her husband stood by her side, doing everything he could to help her feel beautiful and loved.

The twin daughters found the wig fascinating and wanted to play with it. They even asked their aunt if they could curl and straighten it but were politely declined. She felt very self-conscious without the wig and didn’t want to expose her bald head.

One day, upon arriving home, the man found his wife crying behind a closed door. After much persuasion, she revealed that the nieces had taken her wig without permission. Worse, they had laughed at her and filmed her when she begged for it back, leaving her devastated and unwilling to leave the bedroom.

Upon hearing this, the man confronted his sister and nieces in the kitchen. The teenagers handed over the wig, downplaying their actions as a harmless prank.

Angry and frustrated, the man asked his sister to address her daughters’ rude behavior. However, she brushed it off, saying they were overreacting. This response infuriated the man even more.

Despite knowing his sister and her daughters had nowhere else to go, he felt he had no choice. He asked them to leave his home. They had been welcomed and responded by bullying his already fragile wife.

“I later informed them of their eviction, and they started crying and begging for another chance,” he recalled. His sister and even their father tried to change his mind, but he stood firm.

The man turned to Reddit users for their opinion – had he overreacted or was he right to defend his wife?

Redditors were supportive. One user commented, “NTA. They’re 16, old enough to know better and understand that actions have consequences.” The general consensus was that the man had done the right thing by standing up for his wife.

Another user added, “If my son did that at 16, I would flush his phone down the toilet, lock up the car keys, and ground him until he’s 25.”

“How would they feel if someone shaved THEIR heads and started filming and laughing?” another wondered, highlighting the insensitivity of the nieces’ prank.

What do you think? Were the man’s actions justified?