High school graduation is a momentous occasion that we all look forward to. It’s an experience we hope to share with those we love the most, marking a memorable chapter in our lives.

Britt, a young woman, described her graduation day as an emotional whirlwind. She was immensely proud of herself for graduating high school, but she was anxious that her mother and stepfather might not show up. She scanned the crowd, hoping to see familiar faces amidst the camera flashes and excitement.

As she sat amongst her classmates, she continued to look around. “They’re probably running late,” she reassured herself. “Maybe stuck in traffic. They’ll be here any minute.”

When names were called, Britt glanced around, and finally, it was her turn to walk up the stage. She smiled broadly, clutching her diploma, praying to see her mom’s proud smile and her stepdad’s thumbs up. But they were nowhere to be found.

“They must be here somewhere,” she thought as she wandered around. Finally, realizing they weren’t there and probably weren’t coming, Britt checked her phone. There was a message: “Sorry, we couldn’t make it. Something came up with your stepsister. We’ll celebrate later. Congrats!”

Britt was incredulous. What could possibly be more important than her graduation? Anxious and upset, she couldn’t wait to get home and understand what had happened.

Iris, her step-sister, was known for her frequent tantrums and desperate need for attention, but what could be so critical now?

Standing alone, Britt felt a comforting hand on her shoulder. It was Justin, her prom date. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked, sensing something was terribly wrong.

Britt couldn’t speak; a lump formed in her throat. Tears streamed down her face instead of words.

“Oh sweetheart, come here,” Justin’s mom said, pulling Britt into a warm hug. “You’re not alone, we’re here for you.”

Justin and his family did everything they could to make Britt feel included and cherished, trying to fill the void left by her parents.

After celebrating with Justin’s family, Britt returned home. Her mom and stepdad were lounging on the couch watching TV, looking relaxed as if it were any other day.

Furious, Britt confronted them, “Hey, where were you guys? You missed my graduation.” Her voice quivered with anger.

Her mom, looking embarrassed, sighed, “Your stepsister broke a nail. She threw a huge tantrum and demanded we take her to the beauty salon to fix it immediately. She was inconsolable, Britt.”

In disbelief, Britt exclaimed, “A broken nail? You missed my graduation because Iris broke a nail and threw a meltdown?”

Iris, without lifting her head, muttered, “It was an emergency for me.”

Britt realized how skewed her parents’ priorities were. She knew Iris was their favorite, but this was the final straw. “Are you serious? Do you even realize how much this meant to me?” she shouted.

Unable to meet her eyes, her mom mumbled, “Britt, we’re sorry. We’ll celebrate later, I promise.”

After some thought, Britt decided it would be best to leave the house for some time. She called Mrs. Anderson, Justin’s mom, her voice trembling, “Good evening, Mrs. Anderson. I need a favor, but I don’t know how to ask…“

“Go on, Brittany. What is it?” Mrs. Anderson replied kindly.

“Can I stay with you for a while? I’ve had a fallout with my family and need to get out of here.”

Without hesitation, Mrs. Anderson answered, “Of course, sweetheart. You’re always welcome here.”

Britt packed her things and headed to the front door. “I’m leaving,” she announced. “I need some time away from this house, from you.”

Her mom tried to stop her, but it was too late.

In the weeks that followed, Britt found a job and eventually an apartment. She ignored her parents’ calls, wanting no contact with them.

Years later, about to graduate from college, Britt decided to give her parents a chance for redemption. She called and invited them to her graduation ceremony, believing they owed her this.

Sadly, the history repeated itself. On her college graduation day, her mom and stepdad didn’t show up. The excuse? Iris, who was pregnant then, had a craving for a cake from a distant sweet shop, and they got stuck in traffic. Just like before, they sent a lame text message.

It was another blow from the people meant to be Britt’s biggest support. After the ceremony, Justin found her. “They didn’t come, did they?” he asked gently. “No, they didn’t,” she murmured.

Justin had always been there for her, and they eventually started a relationship, moving in together. Britt was happy with how her life turned out, but the hurt from her parents’ absence lingered.

Looking back, Britt learned that some people, even given a second chance, will waste it and disappoint you repeatedly.