1. She doesn’t ask about your life anymore.

When a woman no longer needs her man’s love, she stops being the caring and curious partner she once was. She won’t ask about your day, your plans, or your feelings. Her interest in your life fades, and she hardly bothers to check in on you.

2. She no longer puts in efforts

A woman in love will do everything she can to nurture the relationship. However, if she’s no longer invested, you’ll notice she stops making an effort. She won’t try to improve the relationship or show that she cares.

3. She makes decisions on her own.

Remember when you used to make decisions together as a team? Those days are gone. Now, she makes choices on her own without consulting you, signifying that she doesn’t feel the need to involve you anymore.

4. She doesn’t engage in arguments with you.

If she stops arguing or discussing things with you, it might seem like a reprieve. But in reality, it means she’s checked out emotionally. She no longer cares enough to fight for the relationship and would rather walk away or shut down than engage.

5. She doesn’t care about how you feel

When a woman stops loving you, your feelings no longer matter to her. She might do things that once would have upset you without a second thought. Making you happy is no longer her concern.

6. She doesn’t do any special things for you

A loving woman enjoys doing special things to make her partner feel cherished. When she falls out of love, these little acts of kindness and affection disappear. She won’t go out of her way to make you feel special anymore.

7. She doesn’t make an effort to be physically intimate with you.

Physical intimacy is a vital part of any romantic relationship. If she has stopped initiating or enjoying intimacy, it’s a clear sign something is off. This change can be a strong indicator that she no longer feels emotionally connected to you.

8. She doesn’t make an effort to look good for you anymore.

In the past, she might have gone out of her way to look nice for you because she loved you and cared about how you saw her. Now, she doesn’t mind what you think. She no longer makes an effort to look good in your eyes.