1. Everyone Around Him Knows He Is Depressed

If he suddenly feels down and experiences mood swings for no apparent reason, this might be a sign that he is missing you during the no contact period. Those close to him may notice his change in behavior, indicating he’s feeling your absence.

2. He Follows You on All Social Media

If he’s keeping up with you on social media by viewing your Instagram stories, liking your photos, or even commenting on some posts, it shows that you are on his mind. His activity online hints that he’s bothered by the distance between you two.

3. He Wants to Help You in Small Courteous Ways

He keeps offering assistance in small, seemingly trivial ways. Whether it’s lending a hand with a minor task or just being there to help, these gestures suggest he’s looking for any excuse to stay connected.

4. You Feel a Strong Energy Around You

You might have sudden thoughts about him, a feeling of wanting to reconnect, or ponder on how things could have differed. These spontaneous thoughts could be a sign that he’s thinking about you and misses your presence.

5. He Sends You Texts or Calls Frequently

Even if you stick to the no contact rule, if he keeps calling and texting you persistently, it’s a clear indicator that he’s thinking about you a lot. These frequent messages, whether they are silly, serious, or sad, show that you’re on his mind.

6. Past Conversations Keep Replaying in Your Mind

When his words and the conversations you had with him keep popping into your head, it might be because he’s thinking about you too. This mutual connection can indicate a shared sense of longing.

7. You Dream About Him

In spiritual beliefs, dreams can symbolize an attempt by others to communicate with us. If you find yourself dreaming about him often, it could reflect his soul trying to reach out while you’re apart.

8. You Keep Running Into Each Other

Despite the intention of no contact, you find yourselves bumping into each other more frequently. This could mean he’s purposely trying to see you, signaling that he genuinely misses you.