Dear men, when a woman has strong feelings for you, she will do these amazing things

1. She’ll ask you questions.

You may think she’s just being really nosy, but the truth is she’s genuinely interested in your life. She wants to know about your family, your hobbies, and your daily activities. If she didn’t care about you, she wouldn’t bother to ask! Plus, she’s trying to figure out when she can see you again despite your busy schedule.

2. She remembers small details you’ve told her.

She’ll remember your birthday, the time you first rode a bike, and even where you misplaced your car keys. Why does she remember all these little things? Because she really likes you.

3. When you’re together, she stays off her phone.

It’s not that no one is texting her. She simply values her time with you over being on her phone. In a world where we are all glued to our electronics, especially our phones, this is a huge sign that she’s into you.

4. She texts you right away.

We’re all attached to our phones, but there are moments when we ignore our text messages to scroll through social media. However, if she takes the time to respond to your texts immediately, it’s a clear indication that she’s interested in you.

5. She’ll do anything to hang out with you.

She goes out of her way to spend time with you. She loves being in your company and will make an effort to be next to you whenever possible.

6. She will do all she can to make sure that you are happy before her.

Most guys might mistake this for her just being a caring friend. But it’s more than that. She wants you to be happy and wants to show that she cares about you more than you might realize, even if it means putting your happiness before her own.