5 Most Common Signs That Your Partner’s Cheating

1. Secretive phone or computer use

Partners who cheat tend to use their phones and computers much more often than before and guard them like precious treasures.

If your partner used to leave their phone and laptop without a password, and now suddenly they’re all locked up, that’s a red flag. Is he or she deleting texts and clearing browser history daily? Does the phone follow them everywhere, even into the bathroom? None of these behaviors bode well.

2. Unreachable

A cheating partner might frequently miss your calls and be slow to respond to your texts. You might hear excuses like they were in a meeting, driving, or didn’t notice your attempt to reach them. If they’re suddenly unreachable during late work hours or business trips, it’s a potential sign they’re not where they claim to be.

3. Altered schedule

If your partner, who has never worked late, starts having late-night hours or frequent business trips, they might be fabricating these scenarios. Sudden work trips or frequent gym visits can also be excuses. If they start forgetting about picking up the kids, birthdays, or other important events, it could indicate they’re preoccupied with someone else.

4. Unexplained expenses

Odd charges on credit cards or dwindling account balances could be another giveaway. Ask about these expenses – if their explanations don’t add up, they may be hiding something. Infidelity can get expensive with gifts, trips, dinners, and hotel stays. Large cash withdrawals or mysterious purchases are alarm bells.

5. Emotional intimacy fades

Over time, while the initial intensity of the relationship might wane, a deeper emotional bond usually forms. This emotional intimacy helps partners feel secure and connected. So, if your partner becomes emotionally distant and uninterested in sharing their feelings with you, their attention might be diverted to someone else.