We all tell little white lies now and then—it’s a part of human nature. Whether we’re trying to dodge a tricky situation or trying to impress someone, lies can serve a range of purposes.

Men, in particular, have their own set of lies that they often tell in relationships. Interestingly, these lies are so common that many believe most men have told at least a few of them at some point.

So, what are the most frequent lies that men tell? Here are :

1. “I’ll text/call you tomorrow”

We’ve all heard this one. The promise of a follow-up call or text might seem comforting at first, but more often than not, it leads to anxiety. The uncertainty can be nerve-wracking, as you’re left wondering if he’ll ever actually reach out.

2. “You are the most beautiful girl I have set my eyes on”

While it sounds like a fairytale compliment, it’s often just an easy way to score points. Men might not mean it literally but say it because it’s a quick way to earn your favor.

3. “You are the only one”

This might be true for the evening, but it’s not a guarantee of exclusivity. It’s a phrase designed to make you feel special, even if there are other fish in the sea.

4. “I am doing okay”

More often than not, he isn’t doing well. Men often feel the need to appear strong and untroubled, even when they’re struggling. It’s a societal expectation that men have carried for a long time.

5. “I am on my way”

This one is classic. He might just be getting out of bed or still getting ready, but he tells you he’s on his way to manage your expectations.

6. “It won’t happen again”

If it’s a recurring issue, there’s a chance it might happen again. Even if he’s sincere in his promise at that moment, habits can be hard to break.

7. “I will be busy this weekend”

This could be his way of carving out time for himself or hanging out with his friends. It’s often an excuse to avoid additional commitments or spending time with you.

8. “You are my first love”

This one can be quite flattering but also possibly misleading. He might say it to deepen the emotional connection or because he tends to idealize his past relationships.

9. “What was so special about her?”

When confronted with questions about an ex, men often downplay their past relationships. It’s a way to avoid conflict and reassure you of your importance in his life.

10. “You know all my secrets”

While this sounds like a declaration of trust, the reality is that everyone has some secrets they’re not ready to share. It’s natural to keep some things to oneself.