12 Signs He Is Not In Love With You, It’s Just Lust

I’d like to share some insights, especially for women who might be experiencing the following signs in their relationships. Feel free to leave a comment and share your experiences or thoughts.

Men, you’re welcome to chime in as well—do these signs resonate with you when you’re not truly invested in a relationship? Let’s get a conversation going!

Wondering if he truly loves you or if you’re just convenient? These signs will help you find your answer:

1. He Never Opens Up Emotionally

If he can’t open up to you emotionally, it’s a clear indication that love isn’t in the equation. Men typically only share their deeper feelings with someone they truly connect with.

2. He Only Seems Close When He Wants Sex

Sex can make a man act differently, often becoming affectionate and sweet when he’s in the mood. If this is the only time he shows he cares, beware.

3. He Keeps in Touch with His Ex(s)

A man who isn’t emotionally invested in you will often keep communication lines open with his exes. It’s a fallback option, indicating he hasn’t moved on or fully committed to you.

4. You Sometimes Feel Like a Stranger Around Him

If you feel distant or disconnected, it’s likely because he lacks genuine interest and emotional engagement in the relationship.

5. He Only Knows You on a Surface Level

When a man is just in it for convenience, he won’t put effort into truly getting to know you. He won’t delve into understanding your thoughts, feelings, or deeper aspects of your personality.

6. He Always Walks Away from an Argument

If he avoids arguments or discussions about the relationship, it’s a sign that he finds it pointless to engage deeply with someone he’s not genuinely interested in.

7. He Never Seems to Care About Where the Relationship Is Going

This type of relationship is like a game to him. He doesn’t care about its future. If he’s indifferent to its progress, it’s a major red flag.

8. He Never Seems Concerned About You

A man who’s not in love won’t show much concern or protective instincts towards you. It’s not that he has bad intentions; he simply doesn’t feel that deeply for you.

9. He Spends More Time with Friends Than with You

Obviously, someone not invested in a relationship will prefer spending time with friends over being with you.

10. He Never Seems Invested in the Moment

Ever planned a romantic evening only to find him disinterested? If he seems uninvolved during special moments, it shows a lack of genuine interest.

11. You Have Never Met His Family

If he hasn’t introduced you to his family, it’s a strong sign he’s not serious about the relationship. Meeting the family usually signifies a deeper commitment.

12. You Have Just Got an Overall Bad Feeling

Trust your gut. If you have a persistent bad feeling about the relationship, it’s likely because he doesn’t make you feel valued or special.