1. Cheating on You

A man who truly loves a woman will never cheat on her. He would always ensure that he doesn’t put himself in situations that could lead to infidelity. Even when temptation arises, a man who truly loves his partner will resist cheating.

2. He Will Not Put You Last

A man who truly cares about you will make you his priority. If he constantly places everything else before you, it’s a sign that he doesn’t love you. He will ensure that you come first most of the time, rather than last.

3. He Will Not Disrespect Your Family and Friends

A man who truly loves you would never disrespect your family and friends, regardless of the circumstances. If he truly loves you, he will always maintain a respectful boundary with your loved ones.

4. He Won’t Make You Give Up on Your Dreams

He is meant to support your dreams and be your biggest cheerleader. If your man sees that you have positive aspirations, he will guide and assist you in achieving them. He will be your guide, motivator, and inspirer.

5. He Will Never Cut You Off from Your Family

Family is incredibly important, and a loving man understands this. Just as a decent man maintains his own family connections, he will respect and honor your need to stay in touch with your family.

6. He Won’t Pressure You in Any Way

A man who truly loves you will not pressure you into doing things you don’t want to do. If he pushes you to have sex or do something you’re uncomfortable with, then he doesn’t truly love you.

7. He Won’t Keep You Away from His Friends

A man who truly loves you will introduce you to his friends and enjoy spending time with you in their company. He will be proud of you and won’t allow anyone, not even his friends, to intimidate him when it comes to showing his love for you.