1. Change who you are

A man who truly loves you should accept you just the way you are. Trying to mold yourself into someone else to make him happy will only lead to unhappiness in the long run. Be proud of who you are, and he should love you for that.

2. Stop seeing your family

Your family has been with you through thick and thin, long before he came into your life. A loving partner will never ask you to choose between him and your family. He should respect the important role they play in your life.

3. Stop seeing your friends

Friends bring joy and support into our lives. If a man tries to keep you from spending time with your friends, it could be a sign of his own issues or a controlling nature. A supportive partner will encourage you to maintain these vital friendships.

4. Have physical intimacy without protection

Unless you’re both in a long-term, committed relationship, physical intimacy without protection should be off the table. A man who respects you will never pressure you to take unnecessary risks. This shows how much he values your well-being.

5. Have an abortion

The decision to have an abortion is extremely personal and emotionally charged. A man who truly loves you will respect your choice and support you, regardless of what you decide. It’s a decision only you can make, and he should be by your side throughout.