It’s a horrible feeling, but you’re not alone. If your man does not love you and lies among several other things, it is a red flag that indicates he is pretending to be in love. Here are 5 signs that you should note to determine if your man is pretending to love you.

Let’s get started.

1. Secret Relationship

Some people are private in nature and wouldn’t want others to know what’s happening in their lives. However, a few friends should know about your partner.

An overly secret relationship is a red flag.

2. He is Not Consistent with His Words and Actions

When it comes to consistency, he should believe and do what he says, and his actions should not differ. If he often changes what he says and speaks in confusing ways, it’s a sign that he is pretending.

3. Low Communication

If he never cares about communicating with you or if you’re always the one initiating conversations, then it may mean that he is pretending to be in love with you.

No matter how busy someone claims to be, there is always time for loved ones.

4. He Puts People Above You

If a man loves you, you become his priority. Does he jump at every chance to go out with his friends? Does he rush to them every time they ask? There’s nothing wrong with spending time with friends, but if it annoys you and you’ve addressed it yet he gets defensive and fights with you on it, he may not be truly in love. If he prefers his friends’ company over yours consistently, then he doesn’t love you.

5. Physical Intimacy

If your partner is only interested in physical intimacy with you and nothing more, then that is not genuine love. A real partner should care about your overall well-being, not just physical intimacy.

6. He Doesn’t Care When He Disappoints You

Accidents happen — that’s just life. We can’t help but let people down from time to time. While it’s not ideal, how we handle the situation matters.

If your husband is constantly letting you down, consider how he reacts. Does he care that he keeps disappointing you and hurting your feelings?

It’s essential to be open and honest with him each time he lets you down, so he knows exactly how it makes you feel. If he still doesn’t seem to care, knowing how you feel, then you’re not a priority in his life, and he doesn’t truly love you.

In fact, he’s going to keep disappointing you over and over again unless something changes.