Nature is so stunning. Its ability to transform is so incredible that it never fails to amaze us.

One of nature’s wonders that mesmerizes us is the unusual phenomenon known as cross seas, where the waves form watery grids. These grids are created when two sets of wave systems blend at angles greater than 45 degrees, or when the wind pushes waves in one direction while a swell drives them in another. But no matter how beautiful these grids look, they can be very dangerous for swimmers and ships.

What lies beneath the breathtaking sight are currents that can wreak havoc on ships and pose significant risks to people in the water. The water in these chessboard-like patterns is extremely difficult to navigate. Scientists believe that cross seas are responsible for many boating accidents and shipwrecks.

“The conditions are quite common in the ocean and occur when a windsea and a swell, or two swell systems, coexist,” the European Space Agency noted in 2010. It referenced a 2004 study that showed a large percentage of ship accidents occurred in crossing sea states.

This phenomenon is especially common along the western coast of France, particularly at the Isle of Rhe. Because it’s extremely dangerous to enter the water during this occurrence, tourists usually witness the stunning water grids from a lighthouse on the western part of the island.

To learn more about this incredible natural phenomenon, watch the video below.