All natural fruits and vegetables are wonderful for your health, but you might not be aware that some of them shouldn’t be mixed! Take cucumbers and tomatoes for example.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are fantastic for our bodies. They are both loaded with water, antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins. However, you’re not supposed to mix them in the same salad! According to Ayurveda, when selecting ingredients for a salad, we should be aware of the specific digestion time of each ingredient.

Mixing vegetables that require different digestion times isn’t ideal because the lighter ingredient will pass through the intestine just as the heavier one is fully digested. This can cause food fermentation in the stomach, potentially poisoning the body. It also slows down digestion, leading to the fermentation of sugars and starches. Consequently, you might not fully enjoy your meal, and it may cause gas, bloating, and stomach pain.

There are other food combinations, besides tomatoes and cucumbers, that you should definitely avoid. Let’s take a look:

– Fruits after a meal: Fruits take a long time to be digested and shouldn’t remain in the stomach for long. Eating them after a meal increases the chances of acid reflux and other digestive issues.

– Meat and cheese: Avoid consuming too much protein in one meal. Stick to one type of protein per meal.

– Macaroni and cheese (or macaroni and meat): Despite its popularity, this combination should be avoided. Macaroni are rich in starch, which has a different digestion time than protein, causing fermentation and other digestive problems.

– Veggies and cheese: Combining cheese and vegetables increases the risk of bloating.

– Bread or noodles with orange juice: The acid required to digest the juice can destroy the enzyme responsible for starch digestion.

– Melon and watermelon: These fruits should be consumed alone, not mixed with other fruits.

– Bananas and milk: This combination is known to slow down digestion.

– Fruits and yogurt: Though a popular breakfast combo, it slows down digestion and harms the intestinal flora.