A teacher in California has been removed from her position after making fun of the U.S. flag and promoting her own social agenda in the classroom.

Kristin Pitzen, who was teaching at Newport Mesa School District in Orange County, joked in a TikTok video that she took down the American flag because it made her feel “uncomfortable.”

Later, she encouraged her students to pledge allegiance to the pride flag instead, which upset many parents who felt she was teaching children to “disrespect” the American flag. Read on to learn more about why this incident has sparked such outrage among parents and the community.

In the now-deleted TikTok video, Pitzen explained that she removed the American flag from her classroom and whispered to the camera, “I packed it away and I don’t know where, and I haven’t found it yet,” while giggling.

She went on to describe how, during the morning Pledge of Allegiance, she told her students they could stand or not stand, say the words or not say the words, as they wished.

“So, my class decided to stand but not say the words. Totally fine. Except for the fact that my room does not have a flag,” she said, laughing.

She then recounted a time when a student asked what he should look at while reciting the pledge, given the absence of the American flag in the classroom.

Trying to stifle her laughter, she said, “In the meantime, I tell this kid, ‘We do have a flag in the class that you can pledge your allegiance to.’ And he like, looks around and goes, ‘Oh, that one?’”

The camera then panned to the pride flag displayed on the wall.

Pushing Pride

This wasn’t the first instance of Pitzen promoting her beliefs in the classroom.

In another now-deleted video, she showcased her classroom decorated for Pride Month, filled with various flags.

“I pledge allegiance to the queers,” she declared in the video.

She continued, “I love you all very much – for the people who are out, who aren’t out. You’re appreciated. You’re loved. You’re enough. I support you. I got you.”

A Symbol of Freedom

The community and the school board did not appreciate Pitzen’s actions, viewing them as an inappropriate indoctrination of the students.

The video quickly gained widespread attention and led to backlash from those who believed Pitzen’s behavior was disrespectful to the American flag.

In response, several parents adorned the school grounds with American flags. One mother commented, “We just heard the school was short some flags, so we decided we’d help them out to show our patriotism.”

Michele Vaughn, who has a son in the military, added, “I’d like to share with her, if she doesn’t know, the importance of respecting the flag.”

The online community also expressed their anger. One commenter stated, “The flag is a living piece of history that symbolizes the freedom she enjoys today. Teach kids that it’s for the people who gave you the freedom and happiness you have now.”

Another added, “You stand for the people who fought to keep freedom, and you don’t understand how good we have it. To insult the flag that stands for our country?”

Others even suggested she should consider living in countries with fewer freedoms, like Afghanistan.

Since the video was posted in 2021, Pitzen – who has deleted all her social media accounts – is no longer teaching, and the school district has launched an investigation into the matter.

The incident has reignited discussions about freedom of expression, respect for national symbols, and the responsibilities of educators in fostering inclusivity and diversity in schools. It remains to be seen what further actions, if any, the school district will take in response to this situation.

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