Reading a joke does much more than just bring a smile to your face; it has numerous benefits! First off, the laugh you get releases endorphins that uplift your spirits and even offer some temporary pain relief. It’s like a little workout for your heart, improving your cardiovascular health by increasing your heart rate and blood circulation.

Your brain also gets a boost as it works to understand puns and wordplays, enhancing your mental agility and promoting creative thinking.

Sharing a joke is also a fantastic way to bond with others; it can ease tension and help build stronger relationships. Plus, looking at stressful situations through a humorous lens can reduce your stress levels and build emotional resilience. All in all, reading a joke can be a powerful tool for improving your well-being.

Enjoy the joke below:

John goes over to his friend’s house, rings the bell, and the wife answers.

John looks at her and says: “Is your husband here?”

She replies: “Yes, he’s taking a bath.”

John: “You know, Nora, you have the greatest melons I’ve ever seen. I’d give you a hundred bucks if I could just see one.”

Wife: “You’re crazy, I would never do that.”

John: “I’ll give you $250.”

Wife: “I told you no. What do you want?”

John: “Okay, $500!”

Nora thinks about this for a second and figures, what the heck. She opens her robe and gives John a nice long look.

John then gives her the $500 and tells her: “Thank you, tell your husband I’ll be back later.”

She walks in, and her husband asks who it was.

Wife: “It was John looking for you, but he says he’s coming back later.”

Husband: “Oh! Did he give you the $500 he owes me?”