When you look at how complex and technological kids’ toys are today, it’s amazing to think that we used to be perfectly happy with much simpler ones back in the day. Take, for example, a good old pair of roller skates. Long before scooters and trick bikes became popular, kids would gather and go roller skating. And if you were a child between the 1950s and 1960s, your idea of roller skates probably looks quite different from today’s versions.

Roller skating dates back to as early as the mid-1700s, but it was the baby boomers who really made it popular. Emerging in the 1950s, a style of roller skates consisting of a wooden or metal base with leather straps became all the rage.

If you remember these roller skates, you’ll recall that you kept your shoes on and simply stepped onto the skate base. The straps would go around your ankle, which was essentially the only thing holding your foot in place other than a very small toe clamp.

These skates brought so much joy and countless memories. From learning to balance, the occasional scraped knee, to the exhilaration of zooming down the sidewalk with friends, roller skates were more than just a pastime; they were a rite of passage.

Today’s kids might be used to high-tech gadgets and motorized scooters, but there is something special about the simplicity and charm of our old roller skates. They remind us of a time when life moved at a slower pace, and fun was self-powered by our own two feet.