There was a little old lady who was exceptionally spiritual. Every day, she would step out onto her porch, lift her arms to the heavens, and exclaim,

“Praise the Lord!”

One day, a man who did not believe in God bought the house next door. He soon found her daily exclamations quite annoying.

After enduring her spirited declarations for about a month, the neighbor decided he had enough. He went outside onto his porch and shouted back,

“There is no Lord!”

But the little old lady was undeterred.

One particularly cold and snowy day, the little old lady found herself unable to get to the store. She stepped outside onto her porch, lifted her hands to the sky, and said,

“Help me Lord; I have no more money, it’s cold, and I have no more food.”

The next morning, she went outside, and to her surprise, there were three bags of food on her porch—enough to last her for a week.

“Praise the Lord!” she shouted with joy.

At that moment, the atheist neighbor jumped out from the bushes and declared,

“Haha! There is no Lord. I bought those groceries for you!”

Without missing a beat, the little old lady raised her arms to the sky and exclaimed,

“Praise the Lord, you sent me groceries and you made the Devil pay for them!”