Tattoos serve as beautiful expressions of culture, commemorative symbols or just plain artwork. While they have become widely accepted in many parts of society, some tattoos have deeper, often darker, associations with gang affiliations that can be an indication of the wearer’s involvement in criminal activities.

It is essential to recognize certain tattoos that may signal a connection to criminal gangs. These specific symbols, numbers, or images are not just regular ink but holds particular significance within these groups. They can denote anything from gang allegiance, rank within the gang, or even serve to intimidate rival groups or law enforcement.

Among the recognizable tattoos, the numerals “14” and “88” are particularly noteworthy. They are frequently associated with Neo-Nazi and white supremacist ideologies and can be seen in the ranks of groups like the Aryan Brotherhood.

The spiderweb tattoo, often placed on the elbow or the neck, has ties to prison culture. Each part of the web can represent a year spent in incarceration. While some may choose this design purely for its aesthetic, it could signify a history of imprisonment.

Additionally, the teardrop tattoo has ambiguous meanings. Despite its varied interpretations, it’s often linked with violent crimes, including murder. This tattoo requires careful consideration of its placement and style before any assumptions are made.

The “Three Dots” tattoo, arranged in a triangular configuration, might signify “my crazy life” in Spanish, thus connecting it indirectly to gang culture or to the “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil” philosophy, depending on context.

The quincunx, or five-dot tattoo, features dots in a square grid with one in the center. This pattern is often related to prison life, symbolizing a criminal’s journey or affiliations within the penitentiary system.

“MS” tattoos, which stands for Mara Salvatrucha or MS-13, represent one of the most feared gangs today, originating from El Salvador. This tattoo is a clear marker of association with this violent group.

It is important to approach individuals with such tattoos with awareness. While some may carry these tattoos without a background in crime, these signs often carry enough significance that caution and additional observation could be necessary. However, it’s also vital not to jump to conclusions solely based on someone’s appearance or body art.